Welcome to Restoration Chiropractic.

Where mobility meets function

Dr. Kaitlyn pairs evidence-informed chiropractic and movement-based medicine with YOUR knowledge of your own body, cultural preferences, experiences, and previous responses to treatments to create a treatment plan that helps you to reach your goals.

The basics

Restoration Chiropractic is a one-woman show.

No staff. Just Dr. Kaitlyn.

We also understand the need for community, especially now, and especially for new and expecting parents. This is why we are so grateful to have our space within the cozy Nurturely Lounge where programs and meet-ups are happening throughout the week!


We have easy, streamlined online booking for established patients! All we have to do is get you set up as a new patient and schedule your initial evaluation via phone or email.
OR, you can view Dr. Kaitlyn’s availability and sign up for our wait list and we will contact you to schedule. Please share your specific days of the weeks and times you are available. Once you complete your profile, you can schedule and cancel all future appointments online.

Due to the needs of our community, Dr. Kaitlyn is only accepting new patients who are pregnant, within 12 months
postpartum or < 1 year of age at this time.

Please note: Our cancellation window ends 24 hours before your appointment. You can schedule online up to 4 hours before a desired appointment time, based on availability.


Many patients would like to utilize their insurance benefits and we strive to be very transparent about billing.

We are currently in-network with:
Regence/Blue Cross Blue Shield

PacificSource Community Solutions your insurance requires a physician referral for treatment of a spinal complaint with an ICD-10 code ‘above the line’. This needs to be updated yearly and/or if you have a new complaint. While we do frequently treat extremity complaints, this is not always covered by your insurance. A physical therapy referral is more commonly approved for complaints such as shoulder, wrist or knee pain.

Please fax a written referral, including the provider’s NPI, to best coordinate care: (541) 897-9960.

Unfortunately, we are unable to see patients with Medicare coverage.

Because of the variety of tissue types that can be involved, I utilize a variety of modalities which may or may not fall under different insurance benefit categories.

Chiropractic Adjustments 98940, 98941, 98943: manual or instrument assisted manipulation of the joints
Soft tissue manipulation 97140, 97124: massage specific to your condition, joint mobilization, cupping
Therapeutic activities 97110, 97530: Active stretching, home exercises ranging from breathing dynamics to activation of specific muscles, dynamic cupping
Examinations (new patient, new problem, monitoring progress), in-depth gait analysis: 99202, 99203; 99212, 99213, 99214: I am required to complete an exam for new body regions that may be directly or indirectly related to get to the root of your current complaints, a new injury, or to monitor progress of your current condition and update our treatment plan as necessary.

Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. We cannot guarantee payment of your claims by your insurance company.

Please let us know as soon as there is a change in your insurance coverage. Restoration Chiropractic DOES NOT pre-check benefits. We highly recommend that you verify your understanding of your benefits prior to your first appointment and/or when your insurance has changed throughout the year. If you have any questions on your coverage and/or benefits, please contact your insurance company’s ‘member benefits’ line.
Please utilize our Insurance Questionnaire regarding specific codes to help guide your conversation with your insurance service.

We can bill your PIP coverage if you have been in a motor-vehicle accident, if it is not work-related.

If you do not have chiropractic and/or physical therapy benefits, we do offer a 30% time of service discount for these services.

  • Infographic for 90% of pregnant patients experience low back pain and/or pelvic girdle pain.

    You are not alone.

    Up to 90% of pregnant patients experience low back pain and/or pelvic girdle pain.

  • Infographic depicting 30% of pregnant persons report first episode of low back pain or pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy

    Research says

    one of the greatest predictors of low back painis a previous episode of low back pain. So, if this is a common timeframe of for low backpain to first occur, let’s address it together and work to prevent future dysfunction.

  • Infographic depicting 37-50% of perinatal patients were still suffering from back pain 18 months after delivery.

    Why it matters

    Many patients and clinicians believe that low back pain and pelvic girdle pain (LBP/PGP) is a normal and acceptable part of pregnancy, and as a result, this population may delay care or not seek care at all, leading to the development of chronic pain by 3 to 6 months after pregnancy.

  • Sources

    Ostgaard, H. C., & Andersson, G. B. J. (1992). Postpartum Low-Back Pain. Spine, 17(1), 53–55.

    Sipko, T., Grygier, D., Barczyk, K., & Eliasz, G. (2010). The Occurrence of Strain Symptoms in the Lumbosacral Region and Pelvis During Pregnancy and After Childbirth. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 33(5), 370–377.

    George J, Skaggs C, Thompson P. (2013). A randomized controlled trial comparing a multimodal intervention and standard obstetrics care for low back and pelvic pain in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 208(4), 295. e1-7.

    Owens, K., Pearson, A., & Mason, G. (2002). Symphysis pubis dysfunction—a cause of significant obstetric morbidity. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 105(2), 143–146.